Practice Areas

I am experienced in defending the following types of criminal cases:

Homicide, including first-degree murder (Penal Code § 189), second-degree murder (Penal Code § 187), attempted murder (Penal Code §§ 664 / 187), felony murder, voluntary manslaughter (Penal Code § 192(a)), vehicular manslaughter (Penal Code §§ 191.5, 192(c)), and involuntary manslaughter (Penal Code § 192(b)).

Crimes Against a Person, including battery (Penal Code §§ 242, 243) assault (Penal Code §§ 240, 245), robbery (Penal Code § 211), carjacking (Penal Code § 215), mayhem (Penal Code §§ 203, 205), torture, (Penal Code § 206), kidnapping (Penal Code §§ 207, 209, 210, 210.5), human trafficking (Penal Code § 236.1), false imprisonment (Penal Code § 236), child abuse (Penal Code § 273a), elder or dependent adult abuse (Penal Code § 368), criminal threats (Penal Code § 422), stalking (Penal Code § 646.9), and hate crimes (Penal Code § 422.6).

Domestic Violence, including charges of domestic battery (Penal Code §§ 242, 243(e)(1), 273.5), assault (Penal Code §§ 240, 245(a)), violation of a domestic violence restraining order (Penal Code § 273.6), criminal threats (Penal Code § 422), false imprisonment (Penal Code § 236), stalking (Penal Code § 646.9), certain property crimes like trespass and vandalism, and attempted murder.

Sex Crimes: any charge which carries as a potential consequence sex offender registration under Penal Code § 290, including rape (Penal Code §§ 261, 262), non-consensual oral copulation (Penal Code § 288a), non-consensual sexual penetration (Penal Code § 289), non-consensual lewd or lascivious act (Penal Code § 288), sexual battery (Penal Code § 243.4), assault with intent to commit a sex crime (Penal Code § 220), offenses against minors (Penal Code §§ 261.5, 269, 288a, 286, 288, 288.3, 288.4, 288.5, 288.7, 289, 647.6), offenses relating to harmful material (Penal Code §§ 288.2, 311.1, 311.2, 311.4, 311.6, 311.11), pimping, pandering, and prostitution (Penal Code §§ 266h, 266i, 266j, 647(b)), and indecent exposure (Penal Code § 314).

Property Crimes, including burglary (Penal Code § 459), possession of stolen property (Penal Code §§ 496, 496d), larceny and shoplifting (Penal Code §§ 484, 487, 490.2, 490.5), car theft and tampering (Penal Code §§ 10851, 10852), extortion (Penal Code §§ 518, 523), identity theft (Penal Code § 530.5), embezzlement (Penal Code § 503), forgery (Penal Code §§ 470, 473, 475), fraud (Penal Code §§ 476, 484e, 484f, 484g, 550, 532a), and vandalism (Penal Code § 594), and trespass (Penal Code § 602).

Drug Crimes, including possession (Health and Safety Code §§ 11350, 11377, 11357, 11364; Business and Professions Code § 4060), sales and transport (Health and Safety Code §§ 11351, 11351.5, 11352, 11359, 11360, 11370.6, 11378, 11378.5, 11379, 11379.5), manufacturing (Health and Safety Code § 11379.6, 11366.5), and cultivation charges (Health and Safety Code § 11358).

Weapons Offenses, including firearm possession offenses (Penal Code §§ 24410, 24510, 24610, 24710, 25400, 25800, 25850, 29800, 29805, 29820, 29825, 30305, 33215, 33600), illegal firearm discharge (Penal Code §§ 246, 246.3, 247, 26100), weapons brandishing crimes (Penal Code §§ 417, 417.3, 417.4, 417.8), possession, sales, or transport of destructive devices (Penal Code §§ 18710, 18715, 18725, 18740, 18745, 18750, 18755), and knives and miscellaneous weapons offenses (Penal Code §§ 653k, 20310, 20410, 20510, 20610, 20910, 21110, 21310, 21810, 22210).

Driving Under the Influence (“DUI”), (Vehicle Code § 23152) including DUI causing injury (Vehicle Code § 23153), or DUI causing death (Penal Code §§ 187, 191.5).

Vehicle Offenses, including evading (Vehicle Code §§ 2800.1, 2800.2, 2800.3), hit and run (Vehicle Code §§ 20001, 20002), reckless driving (Vehicle Code § 23103), and licensing offenses (Vehicle Code §§ 12500, 14601, 14601.1, 14601.2, 14601.3, 14601.4, 14601.5).

Crimes Against the Government, including bribery (Penal Code §§ 67, 67.5), influencing witnesses (Penal Code §§ 136.1, 137, 138, 140), evidence destruction (Penal Code § 135), perjury (Penal Code § 118), contempt and violation of court orders (Penal Code §§ 166), and resisting arrest or interfering with a peace officer (Penal Code §§ 69, 148).

Vicarious Act Charges, including aiding and abetting, accessory (Penal Code § 32), solicitation (Penal Code § 653f), attempt (Penal Code § 664), and conspiracy (Penal Code § 182).

Mental Health Criminal Cases, including cases involving motions for mental health diversion (Penal Code §1001.36), incompetence proceedings (Penal Code § 1368), and pleas of not guilty by reason of insanity (Penal Code §1026 et seq.); as well as Mentally Disordered Offender (Penal Code § 2960 et seq.) and Sexually Violent Predator (Welfare and Institutions Code § 6600 et seq.) proceedings.

Second Opinions: if you are unsure of the direction or progress of your criminal case, I offer the service of a second opinion after a comprehensive file review.

Post-Conviction and Post-Arrest Relief, including motions to seal arrest records, expungements, resentencing motions, motions to terminate probation early, and motions to reduce a felony to a misdemeanor.

Client Reviews

Will is a fantastic lawyer. This isn’t the first time I’ve had a run-in with the courts. Will is the hardest working and most thorough attorney I’ve worked with and absolutely went above and beyond in my case. Every possible avenue of defense from motions to appeals were worked, and though my case...


Will Morehead is a FANTASTIC attorney!!! He is professional, knowledgeable, personable and time-efficient. He answered my call immediately and after I explained my situation, he was able to give me an overview of the law as it related to my situation, and to project the possible outcomes. I felt...


I worked with Will for about a year. He was able to help me receive my freedom. In order to do that, Will had to overcome multiple challenges and he overcame them all. I’m very happy to have worked with him, he’s a very trustful hardworking man. I’m very greatful for everything he did did my family...


Will Morehead is masterful. He is truly masterful. Never mind that he is pleasant, he has the goods in spades. Remarkably talented and doing the work he was always meant to do, whilst ever refining a skill set that is already stellar. In my case, Will had to sift through, digest, edit and utilize...


The best defense is indeed a great offense. Lighten your journey by retaining Will Morehead as your criminal defense shield. One of the brightest lights in the profession of legal advocacy, Will Morehead will forever be my “Warrior Will.” If you are in need of Criminal Defense protection, it would...


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